Morfológia a lexikológia AJ

Catégorie de coursKatedra translatológie

The Morphology and lexicology course consists of study tasks, exercices and assignments that will teach you basic concepts in morphology, full verbs, auxiliaries, primary verbs, finite verb phrases, tenses of English language, progressive and non-progressive aspect, ways of referring to the future, the modal verbs, the meaning of modal verbs, mood - conditional and subjunctive, voice - the passive and the causative, non-finite verb phrases - participles, gerunds and infinitives; indefinite, definite and zero article; countable and uncountable nouns, gender and case. The study of lexicology comprises general definitions of lexicology, its position within grammar, origin of English vocabulary, definitions of word as such, its meanings and relations, about forms of word formation, dictionaries and lexicon.